Cupids, Cherubs, or Angels…Whatever!

So, I had this great idea, but it didn’t turn out exactly as planned.  Does that ever happen to you? I decided that with...

Royal Icing Accents {Carrots}

When I make snowman cookies, it NEVER fails that I mix up way too much orange icing.  I’d be willing to bet I’m not...

Re-thinking the Snowman Cutter

It’s been another wacky week of weather out in West Texas.  We we went from almost summer to a huge snowstorm.  We don’t often...

Sparkly Birthdays and Cookbook Queens!

Do you know what today is?  It’s my friend Kristan’s birthday!  She’s pretty much amazing.  Besides being a  supermom, she is smart, cute,  AND...

Make Your Own Sanding Sugar

Now that I’ve confessed my love of sanding sugar, I guess it’s okay to tell you how deep the obsession really runs.  After seeing...

Adding Sanding Sugar to Cookies

A new year puts me in the mood for cleaning and organizing.  I’ve just about finished the house, so now it’s on to the...

Basic Cookie Decorating Supplies and a Printable Shopping List

Basic Cookie Decorating Supplies and a Printable Shopping List

Happy New Year everyone!!!  It may seem like I’ve been quiet, but when I go for a while without talking I eventually explode.  My...

Top Ten Posts of 2011

Some of you have seen these, but I thought it would be fun for new visitors.  PS, I meant to do this two days...

Happy New Year Cookies

I love the days after Christmas almost as much as Christmas.  It gives me time to relax, regroup, and to get excited about the...

After Christmas Shopping Frenzy

You won’t often see me hitting the day after Christmas sales.  I like to save my gift cards until the stores are restocked and...