Pizza Cookies

There are two kinds of April Fool’s Day Jokes.  Good ones, and the ones that make you mad enough to punch someone.  Today I’m...

Simple Delft Blue Easter Egg Cookies

I have always wanted to make Delft blue Easter eggs, but somehow, every year I’ve run out of time.  This year, I have the...

Decorating Using Piped Cookie Dough with Miss Cuit {Guest Post}

Here’s another sweet surprise.  I hadn’t planned on a guest post, but when I came across THIS IDEA on Mis Cuit’s Facebook page {THANK...

Adorable {and EASY} Blue Birdies

This West Texas weather has been playing tricks on me lately.  We’ve had heat, rain, and even snow since last Saturday.  {Not kidding about...

Yoda Cookies

“Do, or do not, there is no try.”  Even if you aren’t a Star Wars nerd, there’s a lot of wisdom in those words....

Consistency Is KEY…Twenty-Second Icing and Beyond

You might as well sit down and get comfortable, because the dreaded icing consistency lecture is finally here. If you read many cookie blogs,...

Sweet Little Lamb Cookies by Sweetopia {Guest Post}

I have another surprise for y’all today!  You have once again been spared the DREADED icing consistency lecture.  Instead I have an extra special...

Gender Announcement Cookies by Montreal Confections {Guest Post}

Okay, this isn’t really what I had planned today.  If you want to know the truth, I was thinking more along the lines of...

St. Patrick’s Day Cookies Lila Loa Style {Guest Post}

I am so excited about today’s guest that I am tempted to list all the reasons I think she’s great.  But since I’m pretty...

Burlap Bunnies and an Easter Blog Hop

Or basket weave…or rattan.  Whatever floats your boat.  Regardless, get ready for a hand ache, because these can definitely give you one. I’ve been...