That Funky Bandaid Color

When it comes to cookie decorating, sometimes an exact color match is not the best way to go.  Bandaid cookies are the perfect example....

Get Well Soon Cookies

After the last three weeks how could I not make get well soon cookies? I’m partial to nurse cookies because my best friend Barbara...

Time to Get Back to Normal

Or at least normal as normal gets in my world. *clock section inspired by one of my favorite new year cookies designed by the...

To the Angels of Sandy Hook Elementary School

Last Friday started like any Friday.  I got up, took my kiddos to school, forced myself to go to the gym, gave up too...

Twelve Days of Christmas Cookie Project, Twelve Drummers Drumming

I was super excited when I first came up with the idea for the Twelve Days of Christmas Cookie Project.  What I didn’t plan...

The Twelve Days of Cookies Project, Eleven Pipers Piping

If I had a long lost twin sister, I am pretty sure it would be Georgeanne.  Except that she is blondish and my hair...

The Twelve Days of Christmas Cookie Project, Ten Lords a Leaping

Today’s guest, Susan, is a very special friend I met via Flickr.  A crafter turned cookier, Susan re-purposes  patterns that she originally designed  for...

Easy Poinsettia Platter

The holiday season means many things to me.  It’s a time of peace and goodwill, precious moments with family and friends, and lots of...

Teeny Tiny Little Brushes for Teeny Tiny Little Lines

Ever wonder what the secret is to thin lines like these? My secret is a teeny tiny paintbrush like this 20/0 spotter. Just to...

The Twelve Days of Christmas Cookie Project, Nine Ladies Dancing

Today’s guest is Sarah, of Klickitat Street.  I’ve been a die-hard fan since I stumbled across her very first blog post almost a year...