Creative Giraffe Face Cookies

When I travel I almost never get home without leaving one or two things behind. I just got a frustrating reminder after a recent trip to California. The good news is that I made it home with my computer…thanks to the lovely flight attendant who located it before I was too far removed from the seat I occupied, but I am pretty sure my charger is plugged into the dining room wall in San Luis Obisbo where it was last seen.

For the time being, I am using our “junk laptop”. We keep it around for iTunes and emergencies, but since it is missing quite a few keys {most noticeably the “A” and space-bar} this is going to have to be short, lest I blow a microchip or two.

Seems I created a little frenzy after posting these giraffe cookies. I made them from a gifted cutter which is now unavailable.

Cookie people are a very resourceful bunch, and those who could not find the original were able to commission similar designs from shops like Plastics to Print and Ecrandal. But if you don’t want to do all that, I came up with several designs using cutters that you might already own.

  1. a
  2. g
  3. pineapple cutter{which I neglected to photograph}+o
  4. j+p
  5. k
  6. g
  7. p+c
  8. h
  9. b {trimmed}
  10. p+m+o
  11. e+m
  12. f
  13. d
  14. pineapple cutter with center leaf trimmed {last photo}
  15. p+n
  16. e+n
  17. p+j+o
  18. l
  19. i
Snowmen seemed to work best for one cutter options. Here is a close-up.




I prefer the pieced giraffes myself. Especially the ones with necks. Once decorated, the seams are well hidden.


Can you figure out which is which?

{1.b, 2.c, 3.d+e, 4. f+e, 5. a, 6. d, 7. a+e, 8. f, 9. a+e}

If you’re not the creative type or don’t like piecing cookies Ecrandal or Plastics In Print carry giraffe face cookie cutters. However, I encourage you to try this first…especially before buying cookie cutters that you may not use very frequently.

Happy Monday, everyone!