Easy Decorated Burlap Cookies

To most people, these probably look like burlap Easter bunny cookies.  But when I look at them, I see so much more.  I see victory!

Burlap Easter Bunny Cookies_SweetsugarbelleSeriously though, I’ve been experimenting with decorated cookies that look like burlap for years now.  I’ve piped them (total hand-killer), tried stencil after stencil, and even toyed with using actual burlap, but none of these methods produced the effect I had in mind.

Then, after about four years of thinking, it hit me. Cheesecloth!

Airbrushed Burlap Pattern

It’s so simple I’m kind of embarrassed it didn’t occur to me before.

To decorate these cookies you will need:

  • Light ivory piping and flood icing
  • Ivory Airbrush Color
  • Dark pink piping and flood icing
  • Lighter pink piping and flood icing
  • Stiff light green piping icing
  • Cheesecloth*
  • Embroidery hoop

*You can find cheesecloth at most hardware/big box stores in the paint or sewing and crafts section.

Use ivory icing to outline and flood the cookies. Once filled, let them dry overnight. It is important that the base layer of icing is completely dry.  If not, the airbrush color may bleed and not look as sharp.

Easter Bunny CookiesThe next day, prepare the cheesecloth.  You can leave it as is, but I pulled it a little for a more rustic, less uniform look.

Burlap Stencil for Cookies
Using an embroidery hoop as your guide, cut two squares of cheesecloth to size, lay them on top of each other, and secure tightly in an embroidery hoop.

Airbrush Burlap Texture
Next, prepare your airbrush, and lay the hoop over the dry cookies.

Burlap Print Easter Bunny Cookies
Using ivory airbrush color, lightly spray the cookies.  Most of the time I would recommend smooth, even strokes, but in this case, uneven areas of color actually give the cookie character.

How to Make Burlap Cookies
Next, remove the hoop to reveal the pattern below.  Neato, right?  You can stop here, or keep going if you like.

Burlap Print Cookies
 For a more subtle look, I went over the cookies once more with the airbrush.  See the difference?

IMG_0272Burlap Easter Bunny Cookies
The best thing about this technique is that there are many possible looks and combinations to suit your needs.  Here are a few examples.

Burlap Print Royal Icing 1

Easy Burlap Cookies 2

Burlap Royal Icing Easy
Burlap print icing fine
My personal favorite is a double layer of cheesecloth, double sprayed.  Oh, and if you didn’t know there were different types of cheesecloth, don’t worry, until a few weeks ago neither did I!

Now before I get too far off track, let’s finish up.

Begin by adding a line of squiggle roses to the bunny’s neck.  Apply the darker pink dots first and after they’ve had a minute to set, add the lighter pink dot in the center.

Bunny Cookies with Rose Wreath
Next add tiny leaves (#65s) and swirls to the roses, and you’re done!

Bunny Cookies with Floral Wreath
Finally, a burlap cookie option that doesn’t leave you with carpel tunnel syndrome.

As always, I like to mix several different designs to make things a little more interesting.

How To Make Burlap Pattern on Royal Icing

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