Skunk Face Cookies
Would you laugh if I told you that for the rest of my life skunks will remind me of my Nanny? True story, here’s why.
One year I got a lawn mowing job in the town where my Nanny lived {another long story} so, I moved in with her for the summer.
It was a pretty good arrangement, except for her dog Moose, who had somewhere along the line become more human than dog. He ate what we ate, went where we went, and pretty much ruled the house.
It didn’t really bother me until one fateful night, the unthinkable happened. Shortly after Moose went out to do his business the sweet summer silence was suddenly broken by his terrified yelps and cries.
As he burst through the doggy door, it didn’t take long to realize what had happened. The smell of skunk was so strong that it made our eyes water!
I would have locked him outside until the smell went away, but Nanny wasn’t having it. I am pretty sure I spent the next hour bathing her beloved Dachshund in tomato juice and every other substance she thought might remove skunk smell. Nothing worked, of course, and the house smelled for weeks, but that dog stayed inside.
That’s about the maddest I’ve ever been at my Nanny, but now that she’s gone skunks always make me smile. I just prefer them to smell a little sweeter than the real thing…like roses or cookies, maybe.
Believe it or not, these cookies started with a frog cutter. If you don’t own one, you can pick one up here.
Simply trim the legs and you’re ready to roll.
To make these cookies you will need:
- White piping and 20-second icing
- Light black/gray piping and flood icing
- A tiny bit of black piping and 20-second icing {make the black pretty stiff}
- Pink 20-second icing
- Red piping icing {optional}
- Pink petal dust {optional}
Begin by outlining the lower portion of the skunks face as pictured below, then use 20-second icing to create a center stripe.
Next, flood the lower portion of the face and let dry.
Since black icing is notorious for it’s bitter taste, I decided to make the skunk a lighter shade of black.
Some people are more sensitive to the taste than others and unfortunately, there is no way to entirely eliminate the bitterness. So, for cookie designs that require a large amount of black icing I go with a slightly lighter shade, or design them in a way to use as little as possible.
Outline the rest of the head with light black icing and use 20-second icing to make eyes. Once the eyes are set flood the rest of the face. Wait longer if you’re icing is prone to bleeding.
When the base is completely dry, use the darker black 20-second icing to add pupils.
Finish up with a few final details:
- Flood the center of the ears pink
- Use dark black 20-second icing to add a nose
- Add hair with a large star tip {I used a #21}
- Use pink petal dust to blush the cheeks {optional}
- Pipe eyebrows and a smile with dark black icing
- Use white icing to add a little accent to the eye
You can also use a leaf tip to add a simple bow. For instructions, click here.
These stinky little critters don’t look so bad in cookie form.