Basic Sugar Cookie Recipe
Great decorated sugar cookies begin with with a great cookie base. My go-to recipe is quick, tasty, and easy. I have made thousands of cookies using this recipe with great results every time.
Keep in mind, this is the recipe I prefer. You don’t have to use this particular recipe to make beautiful cookies. There are hundreds of cut-out cookie recipes online.
- 1 c. (two sticks) of unsalted butter, softened
- 1 1/2 c. confectioner’s sugar
- 1 egg
- 2 1/2 tsp. vanilla extract
- 1/2 tsp. almond emulsion
- 2 3/4 c. all-purpose flour
- 2 tsp. baking powder
- 1 tsp. salt
- Cream together softened butter and confectioner’s sugar. Crack the egg into a separate bowl, and add the flavoring. I use emulsions, but extract also works well. Add that to the butter sugar mixture and mix until the egg is thoroughly incorporated. In a separate bowl, sift together the flour, baking powder, and salt, then add little by little to the mixture. I can tell the dough is ready when it no longer sticks to the sides of the bowl. When I touch it, it has a little give, but does not stick to my fingers.
- Roll out on parchment to about 1/4 an inch thick, use flour for dusting as necessary. Then, cut and bake at 400 degrees for 7-8 minutes. This version makes 2-2 1/2 dozen, doubled, it makes 4-5 dozen.

The dough DOES not need to be refrigerated. That’s why I like it.
The dough needs to rest a little after mixing, it will firm up a little bit after a minute or two
The recipe doubles well
Baking times are approximate. You must KNOW your oven. Watch them the first few times you bake them. Get a thermometer, and do not over bake. If the cookies are browning you have gone too far.
This dough can be flavored any way you like.
The cookies freeze well
There is a lot of leavener in these cookies. This is not a typo. The general rule is less leavener so they don’t spead, but I’ve never been one to follow the rules.
This recipe does spread a little. If you don’t like that add a little flour.
Speaking of flour, start with 2 1/2 cups. Add another 1/4 of a cup if the dough seems to sticky.
If you don’t like salt, leave it out altogether. If you only have salted butter, use that and reduce the salt.
I prefer decorating cookies the day after baking after they have had time to cool and rest. The surface always seems to be prettier the next day, and they seem less likely to leach oil back into the icing.
This is by far the easiest dough to work with I have ever made! I’ve used this recipe several times now and it does not fail to produce great cookies!! Thank you SO MUCH for sharing!
Pingback: Sugar Cookies and Glacé Icing | Please Pass the Ketchup!
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I love your website! How far ahead can I make these cookies. I need to mail them to another state. Any tips on packing for shipping?
I would say a week or two. Here’s how I ship them.
Oven Temperature Question: When your recipe says 400 degrees… I have a double electric oven and I have the option of convection or regular heat. With convection, I can bake 3 dozen cookies at a time per oven as the heat circulates. If I use regular heat, I can only cook one dozen on the center shelf.
Any guidance?
First time I’ve made sugar cookies from scratch and I used your recipe. They were great! I made them for a bachelorette party/cookout and received lots and lots of compliments. These are rich in flavor, and because I left them in the oven a tad bit longer than I should have, they became short-bready, but not crispy. At first, my dough was a little bit sticky but I just dusted and dusted with flour as I rolled it between sheets of parchment paper. That seemed to fix the problem. I just can’t get enough of these! I used dress/lips/shoe cookie-cutters for mine and followed your icing tips and recipe. Thank you so much!
Pingback: Batman Cookies (and some other ones, too) « Reini Days
I have been following you for ages, trying to learn how to decorate cookies. I have been using my mom’s recipe for cut-outs, but finally got too fed up with how puffy and misshapen they got when baking. I tried your recipe–quick, easy, LOVE the no refrigeration (went from mixer to all done baking in less than an hour!!), AND they taste good too!!
One batch got overdone, my own fault for waiting to move sheets until after the timer went off. I thought they were a loss, but I picked one up anyway to try it. Crisp as a cracker. I was so mad at myself. However, I ate it, and it tasted like a Nilla wafer. Could totally use for cheesecake crust, etc!!!
I have always been a fan of your decorating. Now I am in awe of you 🙂
(Even if I feel a little guilty for abandoning the family recipe!)
Dear Sugarbelle
I made a batch of your basic sugar cookie recipe, I love the cookies, but the dough was pretty soft to work with. It was just not ossicle to transfer the cookies to the cookiesheet. What did I do wrong??
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Does anyone have the quantities for theses cookies for us bakers in the UK- ie in grams rather than cups?
Many thanks
her blog dated nov 12, 2o11 baking the perfect sugar cookie has it in grams…
OMG, your sugar cookie recipe is the best one I have tried. They taste really good and they are so easy to roll out. This recipe will be my go to always. Thank you so much.
Pingback: Flag Sugar Cookie Tutorial
Just wondering if I read “confectioner’s sugar” right… do you mean icing powder/sugar… or granulated sugar? Thanks!
Powder sugar!
Confectioner’s sugar? I have been using Baking Sugar with Martha Stewart’s Sugar Cookie Recipe. Will definitely try your recipe, since it dosen’t need to be refrigerated!
Pingback: Patriotic Cookies With Sprinkles
can in freeze the dough ? i love all your cookies they are so beautiful
thank you
Pingback: Simple Patriotic Cookie Platter
awsome, and easy website to know’bout recipes’s keep
it up, and keep it going . !
I am SO excited to try your recipe! My first time to try sugar cookies! Your blog makes me happy btw. Happy Baking! x] Will let you know how it comes out.
Pingback: July 9 — Sugar Cookie Day »
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I live in Hawaii and our humidity is high. I have a very hard time with cutting out my cookies because of the high humidity (no air conditioning) just beautiful trade winds. Do you think I will have to refrigerate your dough? Any suggestions? BTW, I LOVE your cookies!!
must look at this suprisely
Oh, i forgot to ask. How do you know when the cookie is done? I mean most likely what color should the end product be after it bakes? Should it still be pale in color, as in the pictures, and NOT in any way BROWN?
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Pingback: Batman Cookies (and some other ones, too) | Reini Days
Hi! I tried your recipe and it’s yummy, but after decorating it…it turned crumbly that I broke one daisy shape while trying to place it in a plastic bag. Will putting it back in the oven for 5 mins. make it crisp again?
I’m brazilian and I don’t undestood this:
“2 1/2-2 3/4 c. all-purpose flour “.
What you mean? 2 1/2 cups and 3/4 cup??
Your blog is wonderfull!
regards, Anna
She means to start with 2 1/2 cups and add 1/4 more flour if you think your dough is too sticky! If you add 2 1/2 + 1/4 = 2 3/4 🙂 Hope I was able to help!
I can bake cupcakes from scratch with no problem. Cookies have never been my thing until now. These are PERFECT. No spread. Came out beautiful. I’m antsy for the decorating part. My daughter asked for hello kitty for her birthday. THANK YOU! Bookmarked.
Glad to have ya! I could not make a pretty cupcake to save my life, LOL! No kidding!
Hi SweetSugarBelle! Can we still chill the dough and how long do you chill the dough?
I tried the recipe last night and it came out really well except I think it was a bit too salty, next time I will cut that back. Additionally, I did refrigerate the dough after trying to work with it as it was quite squishy (not sticky at all though) for about an hour. Other than that great recipe, thanks for sharing!
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I have been following your blog and FB page for a while now and love your cookies! I have been wanting to try your cookie recipie for a long time! 2 of my children are having birthdays this month and I decided that this was the time to try it and make some cookies for gifts to send home with the guests. I made the cookies last night and I have to say out of all the sugar cookies I have made this recipie is THE BEST ONE EVER!! It worked up so nice and light and was easy to roll out and they taste great! I am going to tackle icing them tonight so wish me luck as this is my first time decorating cookies with Royal icing! I can’t wait!! Thanks again!
I love these cookies, I have looked everywhere for the perfect taste and pliability, and my search is over. Thank YOU! 🙂
Ps. My problem is the inability to roll/and or “cut” out, it always sticks to counter, or the wax paper. And then when I finally unglue them, and get a pretty shape, they won’t come off again! Please help!
Email: [email protected], I would so much appreciate it 🙂
Sara, I have this problem repeatedly (and never CONSISTENTLY — sometimes a dough works, sometimes it doesn’t, same recipe, separate batches — go figure…) and find an easy solution is to roll it between two sheets of waxed paper, place that on a cookie sheet, and FREEZE it for about 10 minutes. It will firm up (not freeze through) and you can tell it’s going to work by taking it out of the icebox, lifting the waxed paper from the top a bit, and then flipping and trying the bottom. If it’s coming off already, you’re set; otherwise return it to the deep freeze for a few more minutes. YOU WILL WANT TO WORK QUICKLY WHEN IT’S READY, so just take it out, take off the top sheet, and KEEP IT ON THE COLD COOKIE SHEET while cutting. Within minutes, your scraps will be of the right temperature to roll out again into your next layer.
Hi Sugarbelle, I’ve been using your recipe several times now…but I confess that have to refridgerate the dough because even though I use more flour (2 3/4 c) the dough seems very soft even when rested. I can’t roll it without it sticking or just smooshing. My dough turns out really soft and a little sticky. I know I didn’t over -soften the butter and I use a spoon to scoop and level my flour and sugar. I cannot figure out what I am doing wrong and would love to continue to use this YUMMY and EASY recipe without having to put it in the fridge (you’re right they come out a bit greasier and puffier)! Any ideas? Thank you… because of YOUR blog I am really getting closer every time to enjoying making and decorating cookies rather than stressing and crying 🙂 about them.
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I don’t know if you are still reading these comments, but….. I made sugar cookies last night for the first time ever! OH MY! LOL! My family has been making them for years so I never had a need or desire to make them myself. After seeing your blog, it made me want to make them as well!
So I made them, and I was wondering if you have a tutorial for rolling/cutting/and placing the dough on your cookie sheets. This may sound CRAZY, but was my hardest part! I could never get them off the counter in the same shap and get them on the cookie sheet. UGH! They tassted great, just weren’t pretty!
And I thought the icing part would be tough…I can’t even get them pretty enough just baking them! I used parchment paper, it just slid around, I used flour, (Lots) and they still stuck to the counter.
So a video of how you do it would be amaizing! Do you have one??
Thanks so much!
will try this recipe of yours SUGARBELLE. hope i can make beautiful cookies like you did. i’ve been obsessed to make some eversince i’ve read your blog. quite an inspiration. keep up the good work and pls continue to share your beautiful creations. God bless!
This is a fantastic recipe!
I’m from Italy.I need to know what means “1 c. {two sticks} of REAL unsalted BUTTER, softened and
1 1/2 c. confectioner’s sugar “How much is the weight of the butter and the confectioner’s sugar?
I hope you can understand me!
Thanks a lot
Love your blog, I have been trading many hrs of sleep reading and re-reading! I am fairly new to decorated cookies but have jumped in with both feet, practicing daily if I can. I started with a modified Royal buttercream for the taste and texture. But am making the switch to Royal for its shelf life, durability, and the look (minus the lack of shine.) Since RI is so hard I was hoping to swtich to a softer cookie recipe. Do you find your cookie recipe is one of the softer ones you’ve tried?
I just found your site and I think I have fallen in love with cookies. My next challenge will be creating a reliable gluten free sugar cookie then I will be back to discover your decorating tips! Thank you.
Pingback: The Sugar Cookie Quest | celebratethesemoments
I have made this cookie recipe time and time again and it works wonderfully every single time. Best sugar cookie recipe ever! (And I have tried my hand at many.)
Pingback: Poker Chip Sugar Cookies | Centre Street
best recipe, thanks for sharing.
These were so awesome at cutting and hold their shape! I even used this dough with a few of those darn cookie cutters that already have the design in them….you know, the one with the little crevices that the dough always sticks in! The only problem I had was that my tops were wrinkly, not smooth. The dough was smooth going in to the oven. Did I roll them too thin? What could have caused that? Anyway, thanks for the awesome cut out recipe. Oh, for those that have trouble with it being sticky, roll in between two pieces of parchment paper and then just bake it directly on the parchment paper. Just lift the paper onto the cookie sheet. When they are done, they pop right off. (But, that is not why they are wrinkly. I tried some directly on the cookie sheet.)
Mr Gruntys Mom – I found the same thing – the tops were wrinkly/flaky rather than smooth (actually, I had 1 smooth topped cookie). The recipe is delicious, though!! I really want to keep using it. Just have to figure out what I did wrong so that the tops of my cookies are smooth! Thank you SSB for an awesome recipe. If you have any ideas as to why the tops of the cookies ended up flaky…..? Thanks!
Pingback: Hello Kitty Iced Cookies | Spoon
I’ve done my share of cookies over the years, but I have to say, yours is the easiest I’ve come across. I just made them and they came out perfectly. My recommendation (and I have to make myself do that every time) is to read through everything first. That’s how I saw your note about starting with 2 1/2 cups of flower and only add the other 1/4 cup if needed–I didn’t. I used one of those giant rubber bands for rolling pins to get it to 1/4″ thickmess and also started with 7 minutes to test, and they all came out perfectly. YAY! I’m letting them cool now to prepare wfor the icing. Thanks again.
Im a huge fan! And today, I finally decided to make some cookies. First try TOTAL FAIL =(
I´ll keep practising! =)
Pingback: Easy Jack O' Lantern Cookies for Kids
Thank you so much for the cookie recipe!! I had to tweak the amount of flour a bit for high altitude but my cookies came out incredible! I ended up making three batches and decorating them, it took me about four days but it was worth it. This recipe is better than others I have tried and is definately a keeper. 🙂
This is a super easy recipe however, mine always come out too puffy. I need them to be flat and perfectly even to be able to do the icing. Im using a hand mixer but just ordered a Kitchenaid stand mixer so Im hoping that helps. Thanks for all of your help!
Maybe this post will help with the puffs.
Pingback: Exciting October!…And a BIG announcement. | Sweet Benanna&Sam
Thanks for the recipe! I just made these for a work bake sale tomorrow. Only problem is they are so good we’ve already eaten half the batch!
I have to say I am so inspired by your cookies…I have always wanted to be able to make fabulous holiday cookies but never really tried. I tried your recipie and your royal icing recipe for a family function we have this weekend and though my decorating skills are going to need more practice they came out fabulous! My family loves the soft sugar cookies so yours is now our holiday cookie recipe of choice!! Thank you for sharing your work and recipes!!
Pingback: Patriotic Election 2012 Cookies!!! « Baking Blue
Please help! I love, love, love the taste and texture of this cookie recipe but cannot get my cookies to hold their shapes! I have tried this recipe every week for the past two months and have only had one success! I tried making leaves and acorns today and they came out great big blobs that ended up in the trash! I am determined to figure out what I’m doing wrong because this truly is the BEST tasting sugar cookie ever! I’m following your directions exactly and have an oven thermometer so I know I have to be missing something. Any ideas? I’d like to figure this out while I still have some hair left!
@ Kelly
Hello! What worked for me was to use the baking powder in 1/2 tsp until I got what I was looking for. A lot of cookie bakers don’t use it for that reason but some do and im not sure what it is that it work for some and not for others me being one of them. All in all I ended using only 1 tsp.
Now my cookies look and taste wonderful!!! I hope that helps you good luck!!!
Thanks, Liz! I’m baking tomorrow so I’ll give your suggestion a try! Fingers crossed it works! 🙂
Pingback: Little Red Riding Hood Iced Cookies | Spoon
Can you prepare this dough and freeze it before baking? If so, how long do you think it would last in the freezer? Thanks!
I have that same question! I just made the dough for a dinosaur bones cake I’m making and I can’t stop eating it.
hi, i love this recipe ubut after adding the flour the dough got quite crumbly even after thorough mixing, is there anything i can add to make it less crumbly? milk or water ?
Absolutely amazing! I have never made cookies that have given me no trouble and turned out perfectly until now! Thanks so much!
Hi. I am about to make the sugar cookies and decorate them for a party. I am at 5000 feet altitude and wanted to know if you would make any changes to the recipe for this? Just thought you might have had someone else with this same situation. Love your blog. Ruthie
Do you leave your cookies on a a baking sheet and open air dry?
I’ve tried this recipe and was really impressed. Nice blog!
Pingback: Lisa’s Letters Home: Bake Ahead Sugar Cookies - Sweet Potato Chronicles
Hi I’m trying sugar cookies for the first time. Do I have to use unsalted butter? Will it change the recipe?
Can I use half shortening/half butter with this recipe? This looks fantastic for cut out cookies!
Hi! Id like to make these cookies dairy free… Can I substitute margarine an shortening for the butter? Love your site! Beautiful cookies!
I just made some today , for second time , bcz first time were too poof , i made it 1/8 inch and i was more careful with the amount of flour , plus i spread the dough with a parchment paper on top , the results today were AWESOME, Thanks so much for sharing your talents 🙂
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Pingback: Christmas Swirl Sugar Cookies | The Domestic Rebel
Hi! I love your recipe, but… I can’t find the recipe in grams, do you know the amounts in grams for this recipe?
Is confectioner’s sugar the same as australian icing sugar?
your blog is fantastic!
Yes, just get the pure icing sugar, not the icing sugar mixture as that has corn flour in it and will throw your measurements out.
Dear the person that made this,
I am 13 years old and it’s nine days till’ Christmas. I wanted to make thee christmas cookies and i found this website but i dont know what flavoring is, Do you have to you this. So, im not gonna use it!!! Alright ok!!! Well bye
The User
Karlie Shanks:)
you can do plain vanilla and that works great
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Pingback: December 17
Love love love this recipe… Just finished baking the cookies & they r delicious!!! The best recipe by far!!
Made this tonight, and they are delicious! They are also easy and perfect for decorating. Thank you so much for sharing your recipe and experience!
I wad wondering what you mean by ‘flavor’? Can I just us vanilla?
I loved this recipe!!!! Thank you!
I don’t even LIKE sugar cookies, but I make them every year for Christmas. These? I LOVE! I hope there are some left for Santa!
Just made these tonight and they came out great. Thanks so much for sharing your recipe. Tomorrow I will decorate them. 🙂 So excited.
Pingback: Eat Your Heart Out Santa! « Cupcakes and Bakes!
Please check out my blog! I asked my readers to check out your sugar cookie recipe and blog!!
Hi, I really love your recipe, the can just use ginger powder to instead the almond powder?
Thanks so much for this recipe – the cookies came out really well! and even a week after baking they are still not bone dry 🙂
I had slightly less success with the icing however that was not due to the icing but more the fact that rheumatism and loads of precise piping don’t go together too well 😉
I have failed at every sugar cookie recipe I’ve tried, and I always had to resort to the refrigerator dough at the grocery store. But now I have a sugar cookie recipe that works–I am so grateful! We made them today and we’ll frost them tomorrow. They are just a tad salty right now, but I think it will be the perfect balance after they’re decorated. Now to try our hands at royal icing…
Hi, I dont see the recipe in grams. Please advise. Thank you.
YOu can find the converted version under the FAQ tab.
Hi, I tried the recipe already and they turned out great. I wanted to know how long in advance can I make the cookies and keep them before or even after decorating them. If I bake and freeze them>>> then what? Thanks.
Alice I want to know the same thing. Hopefully she answers.
Hi Alice, I found the answer here, “Baking the perfect sugar cookie”, I’ve included the link. It’s at the bottom of FAQ’s. I hope this helps.
Thank you so much 😀
I would say about a week in an advance. If you’re freezing, I think they would be fine for a month or two.
Thank you so much…… ! week is great time cause I am in Trinidad and lucky for me Valentines day is after Carnival Monday and Tuesday so lots of time to bake and decorate
Pingback: Crash Course in Decorated Sugar Cookies | Best Friends For Frosting
Thank you so much for this I have been looking for a simple sugar cookie recipe! I’ve tried a lot!
Gracias por compartir todas sus experiencias y trabajos. Haré esta receta de galletas ,me parece muy buena y fácil de realizar.Felicidades por sus trabajos tan lindos y realizados
con mucha delicadeza.