Basic Sugar Cookie Recipe
Great decorated sugar cookies begin with with a great cookie base. My go-to recipe is quick, tasty, and easy. I have made thousands of cookies using this recipe with great results every time.
Keep in mind, this is the recipe I prefer. You don’t have to use this particular recipe to make beautiful cookies. There are hundreds of cut-out cookie recipes online.
- 1 c. (two sticks) of unsalted butter, softened
- 1 1/2 c. confectioner’s sugar
- 1 egg
- 2 1/2 tsp. vanilla extract
- 1/2 tsp. almond emulsion
- 2 3/4 c. all-purpose flour
- 2 tsp. baking powder
- 1 tsp. salt
- Cream together softened butter and confectioner’s sugar. Crack the egg into a separate bowl, and add the flavoring. I use emulsions, but extract also works well. Add that to the butter sugar mixture and mix until the egg is thoroughly incorporated. In a separate bowl, sift together the flour, baking powder, and salt, then add little by little to the mixture. I can tell the dough is ready when it no longer sticks to the sides of the bowl. When I touch it, it has a little give, but does not stick to my fingers.
- Roll out on parchment to about 1/4 an inch thick, use flour for dusting as necessary. Then, cut and bake at 400 degrees for 7-8 minutes. This version makes 2-2 1/2 dozen, doubled, it makes 4-5 dozen.

The dough DOES not need to be refrigerated. That’s why I like it.
The dough needs to rest a little after mixing, it will firm up a little bit after a minute or two
The recipe doubles well
Baking times are approximate. You must KNOW your oven. Watch them the first few times you bake them. Get a thermometer, and do not over bake. If the cookies are browning you have gone too far.
This dough can be flavored any way you like.
The cookies freeze well
There is a lot of leavener in these cookies. This is not a typo. The general rule is less leavener so they don’t spead, but I’ve never been one to follow the rules.
This recipe does spread a little. If you don’t like that add a little flour.
Speaking of flour, start with 2 1/2 cups. Add another 1/4 of a cup if the dough seems to sticky.
If you don’t like salt, leave it out altogether. If you only have salted butter, use that and reduce the salt.
I prefer decorating cookies the day after baking after they have had time to cool and rest. The surface always seems to be prettier the next day, and they seem less likely to leach oil back into the icing.
So glad you liked….speaking of chocolate chip…try this recipe, I LOVE
I just tried your recipe for the first time, and it is the most delicious sugar cookie I've ever tasted…despite adding chocolate chips (they're for my husband who hates sugar cookies). I haven't tried decorating them yet, but I made my life too complicated by not following directions…I forgot to let them sit before rolling… Thank you for sharing this recipe!!
OMG!!! You are a cookie goddess!!! I came home from work & had to make these right away. I was a little scared of the baking powder so I only used 1 1/2 tsp. Also, I used 2 3/4 cups flour and next time will probably only use 2 1/2 because after flouring to roll out it seemed the dough was cracking a bit by the last couple rolls. After figuring out my oven time they came out perfect. No spreading–just beautiful. They are so darn tasty that I don't know if I'll get around to decorating them because I keep eating them plain. Thanks so much for sharing.
You have saved me soooo much time. It used to take me forever to bake cookies because I would freeze the shapes several minutes before baking. I made rather large cookies & got 18 out of the batch. Much more than the recipe I have been using would have done. I don't know exactly how long it took but the whole process was quick.
To those wondering about durability. I put a few cookie sticks in some & they are holding nicely.
I do have one question—do you let your cookies cool completely on the baking sheet or do you transfer them to a cooling rack & if you transfer after how many minutes do you do it?
Thanks Callye—YOU ROCk!!!
your cookies are BEAUTIFUL! even without decorations! Bookmarking this to try later!
Thanks for sharing!
LEt me know what you think! I think it's the easiest recipe EVER!
Yay! You finally posted the recipe! 🙂 I'm excited to give it a try. Thanks, girl!
I don't transfer them. I like to let them set BUT I also have about 36 half
sheet pans. So you'll most likely have to transfer them. For sturdier
cookies you can transfer them carefully after 5-6 minutes. For delicate
ones I like to give it til they are completely cool. It'd always good to
have 5-6 pans on hand and Sam's sells 2 for $11. Thanks for the feedback.
You made my day!
Hmmm! I did today!!! Everyone at home love it! YUMMY!!!
This is such a delicious recipe and I will now use this one all the time. My cookies spread a little more than I would like so I will just put less baking powder in the next time. Thanks so much for sharing your talent and your recipes.
Thank you for posting this… I am so glad to finally have a recipe to use that doesn't require 4 hours of refrigeration!
Thank you for posting your recipe! Ever since i started visiting your site I kept wondering what your secret was! The cookies are great and real soft.
Mine seem to be spreading from the top kind of like curving down from the top. I can't think of a better way to explain it. Any suggestions?
Tried these out last night and they came out perfectly!! I got about 30 cookies from your recipe and this afternoon my daughter & I will be enjoying decorating them 🙂
Thank you for sharing!!!
Thats too long in a convetion oven. I think they would take like four or
five at the most. I have a convection oven with three compartments, but I
never do it that way because I could not roll and cut three sheets in that
little of time. I actually just tried it over and over again until I got it
right and set a timer by it. If I brown them, the cookies are not soft and
I prefer them soft. If you dont mind you can stick with that.
As for doneness, I look at the top of the cookie. Shen it is dry without
shine, and lightly "puffed" it's ready. You have to spend a bit of time
getting to know your dough and oven…you may have one or two trial batches,
but with a little work you will have beautiful cookies to decorate.
I was wondering if you use a convection oven or not and how do you know when the cookies are done? Yours don't seem to have browned edges like mine do I baked them with a convection oven at 375 (temp drops to compenstate) for 7 minutes and they had brown edges. If you don't let them brown, how do you know when they are done?
Perhaps add more flour? I think it's one of those things you have to play with until it works. I'm not sure if it is affected by enviroment, or humidity…
This recipe is almost identical to the one I love to use except you use powdered instead of granulated sugar! I tried making them today – they are fantastic, but my only problem is that they did not hold their shape as well as yours seem too. I know you said they spread a little, but my squares all have puffed out sides now! Any tips on getting them to hold their shape?
Thanks for the recipe and any pointers!
Maggie – Dallas, TX
Thank you so much for posting this recipe. It is actually almost identical to the one I currently use, except you use powdered instead of granulated sugar and a little more baking powder! I made them today – they taste fantastic, but the only problem is they spread more than yours seem to. My squares all have puffed out sides now! Any tips on getting them to hold their shape?
Thanks so much! I'm excited to try it again 🙂
Wow! I'm not sure! That's NEVER EVER happened to me. EVER. In most cases
if I goof its to the side that its a little dry. I make it like 4-5 times a
week for almost 2 1/2 years now. Did you use margerne rather than butter?
Was it softened? What kind of flour did you use? I'm perplexed…how humid
is it where you live? My friend Gina andi used it in New Orleans with no
I was so excited to try your recipe! Unfortunately, I failed miserably! The dough seemed fine at first but quickly melted into a sticky, gooey, runny mess as soon as I started to try to roll it. I think it may be the humidity of where I now live – I have never dealt with it before. Can't wait to try it again in better weather!!! Would the humidity really effect it that much?
Loved trying it with the powdered sugar…especially since I was out of regular sugar?? Thanks for the recipe! I made it but my cookies were a little salty…thinking I might half the amount of salt next time! Anyways, love you and your cookies!!!
Powdered sugar . . . yummy!! Thanks for sharing . . . not only the recipe but your talent as well!! You are truly an artist!! Love your blog!
The next cookies I make I am using this recipe because I am like alot of other people that feel like because of having to freeze my cookies to help them hold their shape it makes the process alot longer than it needs to be.
My biggest worry (and experience) with trying recipes where the dough didn't need to be frozen was it had no taste because it had too much flour in it. The cookies held their shape great and looked very pretty but tasted very bland especially without the icing on it. I want a cookie that still taste like a cookie before the icing, I want the icing to complement the cookie not have to save it so to speak!! But I am pretty sure sweetsugarbelle wouldn't lead us wrong, so I can't wait to try this!!
Thank you sweetsugarbelle for once again showing how you make your awesome cookies!!!
Too much flour im almost sure…
Thank You! I know I have been stalking you about your recipe and was disappointed that you didn't put it up. I now realize I should have known that you would do it right by making and baking it, taking pictures all the way! Make sure you pop this up somewhere under recipes because your blog eventually inspires everyone to want to bake these cool cookies and of course, we want to use your recipe (because then maybe our cookies will look like yours…HA)!
I am in the process of redoing my blog. It should be finished in a week. I
promise to have it more organized when I get moved over.
I tried it & it cracked….it was also a bit "crumby"….any thoughts on what I did wrong will be greatly appreciated. On the bright side, it did taste really good. Thanks for sharing!
Yay! Yay! Yay! I have been wondering and waiting for the recipe you use for your cookies! THANKS!
Thank you for sharing with us
Confectioners sugar instead of regular granulated sugar. I'm so excited to give this a try! Thanks for sharing your recipe Callye and I can't wait to see those republican elephants and democrat donkeys decorated! I LOVE seeing your gorgeous cookies. I bet everyone wishes they were your neighbor!!!
Good eye! Thank you. Some errors spellcheck just doesn't catch!
You can do that yourself. There are plenty of conversion calculators online for people to use.
You are absolutely right Jodie! The basic recipes is so versitile, that's
why I didn't specify flavors. It can be adapted to about anything you have
in mind! High five on that one!
Just wanted to point out that I think you have a typo in the notes section. I think you meant to say if you only have SALTED butter, use that and reduce the salt. 😉
I corrected it in the actual recipe, Megan, so its a little less confusing
Thanks for the recipe! I use one now that takes overnight in the freezer before I can use it!
Working away on them 🙂
I did notice in the notes you said, if all you have is UNsalted butter, just reduce the salt. I know what you meant, but others might not!! 🙂
Thanks for sharing!! I can't wait to try!!!
God help me, lol!
I've never had any troble with them shipping. The RI toughens them up!
I make the dough I use it. It does rtter used immediately. But since it
doesn't need to be refrigerated its easy breezy to make one or two batches
you work.
They are soft along as you don't overbake.
Yes they freeze well
Its a lot about personal preference. I use unsalted bit if that's not
available, use salted and reduce the salt you add. I'll note that in the
I give them away, Marta. People are always willing to take cookies.
Thank you SO much for posting this! I have been looking for a good sugar cookie recipe that is easy and yummy. I think I found it!
Unsalted, but if you don't have that on hand use salted and reduce the salt.
Yay, can't wait to try it!
Thank you Callye!! I have been experiencing some issues with oil creeping into my icing and it's sooo frustrating. I've always used NFSC recipe, but I'm thinking I should switch now 🙂 And thanks for the tip about letting the cookies dry out!!!
It's my first time that I visit your blog and I am really happy to meet you.
You have great recipes.
Your recipe sounds great and I will try it one day. I loved your lemon poppy seed cookie recipe. I can't wait to see all of the above cookies decorated.
Thanks so much! Can't wait to compare it to my old stand by. Happy Baking!
Thank You, Thank you! This was one thing I've been looking for, A good cookie to decorate!! You are such an inspiration and what I like most is that you encourage others, As an artist/gardener/cook/I am always amazed that the people who don't want to share the good things in life. Kudos to you! I love doing my part to make others lives a little more fun and easy. 🙂 God Bless
had a question…..was wondering are these strong enough to mail? Cause I see you use powder sugar and most the time this makes for a more delicate cookie. Thanks!
So gald you posted this! I have been wondering what the "trick" was to them not spreading as much. Sometimes my cookies came out totally random and deformed from what they were originally cut. Thanks so much!
I love this recipe! You posted a version of it for your lemon poppyseed cookies a while back and I have been been using it ever since I discovered it. Thank you so very much for sharing with all of us!
So glad you posted this!! I thought I just couldn't find it on here!! 🙂
you did it!! I would love to try this the addition of powdered sugar!
Thanks so much for posting this. I'm going to make some cookies for my son's birthday party and I have NEVER HAD good luck with rolling dough and cutting out shapes so here goes! wish me luck! LOVE the blog by the way!
time consuming step of freezing, I meant… :-
Thanks for sharing!! I love your elephant cutter! do you remember where you got it?
Cheers from Argentina, I admire your job !
Thanks for sharing your recipe with us, Callye! Looking forward to trying it very soon. I've gotten so used to the process of sheeting the dough, freezing it, cutting, then baking..that if I can cut out that time-consuming step it would be a blessing!! What will I do with all that extra time, I wonder? Probably make more cookies!! 😉
Callye…thank you for sharing this! I must admit the powdered sugar makes it unusual and I would have NEVER guessed your recipe had baking powder in it. I just don't see "the spread" in any cookie you make. CAN you refrigerate and does it make a difference. (If I want to make alot of dough ahead of time?).
I wasn't making cookies today….but I must try this!
Thanks for sharing! I have a great recipe, but I would love to try yours!
Hi Elena,
This is what I found:
227 gr. real butter softened192 gr. confectioner's sugar1 egg30 à 45 ml. flavoring {pick
what you like, I prefer almond}320 gr – 352 gr. all-purpose
flour2 tsp. baking powder
18 gr. salt
Still looking / searching for the baking powder.
Kristel, from Huldenberg, Belgium
Thank you so much for sharing this. Learning how to make beautiful cookies like yours is on my "to do" list this summer.
I am from Australia and love your cookies. Would you be able to freeze these cookies?
Thanks and keep up your yummy cookies 🙂
Thanks for sharing your recipe! I cannot wait to try it – seems much easier than others I've tried.
It was about time! Can't tell you how much I looked for that recipe on the blog. Tryed very basic stars / yellow icing this weekend – quite good, there are none left – but you would laugh at them… I'll keep trying! Main problem was, after a while the icing that was running from the tube (not the best as well) started to curl. Didn't help. Congratulations for the perfect work. One question (I probably missed the post where you explain): who eats all those cookies?
I've just found your blog while looking for inspiration for my daughter's first birthday… I want to make some Rainbow Cookies! 🙂 I have just skimread your entire blog! It is amazing! Your creations are just divine! Thanks for posting this recipe… very timely as I'm going to have a go at making some tomorrow! 🙂 Can't wait to put some cute cookie creations up on my own blog! Cheers
Salted or unsalted butter?
I'm always looking for a good basic sugar cookie recipe, especially one that doesn't require refrigeration!
thank you! 🙂
Hi, I like this recipe, but I've one problem… I'm from Belgium an here we don't measure with 'cups' (you can't buy it here), so can someone please explain how much weight 1 cup is? (in gr)
I don't have any experience measuring in this way, however, I found this
article online, and it seems like it would be very helpful with conversions
thank you sooooooooooooo much <3 <3 <3 you make the prettiest cookies i've ever seen (:
i can't wait to try this out
thank you for this recipe! how do you store them after baking and decorating and how long do they stay tasting fresh? pleaseeeeee let me know!!!!
You don't refrigerate??? OMG, I must try this!!
Got to try this recipe….I have been playing around with my recipe but this one sounds yummy and WOW you don't have to refrigerate it??? And it has baking powder and still keeps it shape without refrigerating that is amazing!!!
I'd love to taste one of YOUR COOKIES 😉 xox
You don't refrigerate??? OMG, I must try this!!
I have my own fail safe recipe that uses a lot o' butter and a little bit o' cinnamon and nutmeg to spice it up, but I've always wondered what yours was! I'll have to challenge myself and experiment with your recipe. Your cookies are always so pretty and clean looking and I admit, I've been a bit jealous, lol. It's always good to shake things up a bit! Thank you for sharing!
Finally a recipe 😀 I've searched your whole blog for it. You make my day!. And I love your talented cookies, I visit your blog every day to look at those beauties.
I second that request!!! Nothing worse than a salty cookie!!! LOL
THANK YOU! I think my boyfriend was ready to kill me because I've been talking nonstop about finding the perfect sugar cookie recipe for like 3 weeks straight now. I'll have to try this one now, your cookies always look perfect so that means they must taste awesome too right? 😉
Just one question though, do these tend to be a little on the crisp side or soft? I've been looking for a soft cookie that holds its shape and that seems to be the challenge for me.
Wow Thank you for your recipe
Can I ask you to adapt it to europeran messaures?
grams and decilitres?
Thank you so much, I really love your blog.
Love Pia
YAY! I have always wondered what recipe you used! Thank you for posting this, I must try it!
Pingback: Cute Apple Cookies in a Jar
Hello! first i wanna say i LOVE your cookies!! they are so beautiful and so creative! i actually make cakes for a living but was asked to make sugar cookies to go with a cake so this was a great opportunity to try your recipe and i must say… wow!!! i typically dont like sugar cookies, but these are super delicious!! this ones going into my recipe book for sure! thanks for sharing!
Having a hard time finding the recipe for your Royal Icing . . . I would like to compare mine with yours (shouldn’t they all be the same?) because the day after I made them, the icing turned spongy . . . thanks!
Hola, estoy encantada con tu receta, la hicé hace tres semanas y las guardé esperando una ocasión para decorarlas, ayer las saqué del recipiente y su sabor es exquisito siguen suavecitas y riquísimas, es la mejor receta que he intentado. Muchísimas gracias!!! Las volveré a hacer esta semana y esta vez sí las decoraré. Saludos desde México
I tried these and they tasted wonderful. I wish I had as much talent as you do for deocrating. I posted about your website on my blog:
Can the dough be refrigerated if I can’t make the whole batch at once? Thanks!
Whoa, things just got a whole lot eaesri.
Can’t wait to try these!! I hate to decide to whip up a quick batch of cookies on a whim & then remember the dough has to sit in the fridge overnight … grrr. Hope these turn out as great as everyone says … it’ll be my new favorite thing. Now my only problem is deciding shapes & decorating. I’ve now got so many things I’d love to try from this blog & others on your Facebook page, I’m already planning on taking cookies to our neighbours – if we eat them all we’ll be in trouble!!
YEAY!!!! this is the recipe I always use. Ever since I started using it, I cant even think of trying a different one. Back in the past, I tried hundreds of sugar cookie recipes that all turned out OK, but then I found this recipe. This recipe is AMAZING. It really is the best!!!! Not just YOUR favorite
i love your blog and would like to try this biscuit recipe, but we dont get stick of butter over here we get blocks (UK) so could you please tell me how much a stick weighs. Plus i have never done flooding on a biscuit before is it easy plus what nozzle tips do you use (as will need to go out and buy them) i was also thinking about starting my own website, full time mum who loves baking and trying new things so any tips would be greatly welcome.
Hello! First of all.. I’m TOTALLY in love with your cookies, I’m trying to make them tomorrow for the first time.. wish me luck! I have only one tiny problem… I CAN’T FIND YOUR ROYAL ICING RECIPE! :”””'( can you help me?
thank you and have a lovely night!
cant wait to try this! Eyeing it now
Thanks for the recipe! Do you bake them on parchment paper? Does that make them easier to get off the cookie sheet? I was wondering because you have parchment paper under the cookie cut outs in your photo. thanks!
i made your cookies again tonight!! well my recipe is similar. only difference is it calls for b soda instead of b powder, so this time i used your exact recipe w/ baking powder. and they really are the best !!! thankyou so so much for this amazing sugar cookie recipe.