Itty Bitty Knitties, Knitting Cookies for Mom
I made these cookies for my mom, who is a knitting nut. So much so, she has committed to a project called knit-a year. Basically, you knit a few rows a day for a year, reflecting your mood by yarn choice. I tease mom that she will have the longest scarf EVER, but really it’s very cool! You can check her progress on her blog, Knitrageous. I made these cookies for her. I thought they were a really fun way to test out my larger set planned for next week.

If you are looking for regular size knitting cookies, click HERE.
Those are so cute! Your mom will love them! I do know your mom; she was my teacher at one point in time. 🙂
Too cute for words!
I love it! I love your moms blog too! I like to knit but don't have time very much anymore…very cute
Great job!!
I am a friend of your "Knitting Nut" mother. I met her through knitting at our Knitting Guild in Midland. She will love those cookies! I have been checking your blog often after she posted some knitting cookies you made for her bithday several years ago. I know she is very proud of you. You are very talented and I am so sorry how things have turned for you. God closes one door and opens another. Sometimes it takes a while to figure this out, but have faith and I am sure something good will come of this. You are exceptionally talented – I love your designs. Wish I had lived a little closer and could have tasted some of those talents!!! Sandy in Midland
Omg, these are phenomenal.
You are doing awesome with you project. Keep it up!! Awesome stuff
What a great idea! I joined a knitting club a few months ago, and these cookies would be perfect to bring to one of our meetings. Thank you for sharing.
These are adorable! Your mom is a very lucky (knitter) lady.
How did you do the designs on the cookie? A special tools or free hand ? Also what shape cookie cutters? Some are obvious, others not so much.
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