Creative Robot Cookies

One of my favorite things about robot cookies is that even if you only have a few cutters there’s probably at least one that will work for this design.  I made these many many moons ago for a little boy who loves cowboys and robots. In Texas I guess even a robot should own a cowboy hat, right?

Creative Robot Cookie PlatterAnywho, this entire set cookies came to life without a single robot cutter.  All took was a little creative thinking.

Robot Cookies

1. a
2. b
3. c
4. d
5. c
6. h
7. i
8. f+j
9. e
10. k
11. g
12. b
13. a
14. j
15. l
16. c

Robot Cookie CuttersRobots are probably able to do without cowboy hats but spare parts are always a must.  To learn how to make sprocket and gear cookies, click HERE.  They’re the perfect accent for robot cookies.

Robots and Gears
For a little more in-depth robot tutorial, check out my Valentine’s Day Robot Cookies on The Celebration Shop Blog.

Always remember, when planning a cookie project always take a second look at your cookie cutters before shopping.  The perfect cutter might just be right under your nose.